Indigenous Governance

Our Elders Governance Group

We are delighted to introduce you to the driving force behind the strategic direction and decision-making processes of our research projects. Our Elders Governance Group is at the heart of our commitment to accountability, and effective leadership.

Our Elders Governance Group is composed of dedicated individuals who bring a wealth of experience, diverse perspectives, and a shared passion for improving the health of older Aboriginal people. Representing various facets of our community, the group is entrusted with guiding our research projects towards its goals.

We extend our gratitude for Elders Governance Group's ongoing support.  Our members are Aunty Doris Getta, Uncle Charlie Kickett, Aunty Helen Kickett, Aunty Doreen Nelson, Aunty Vonita Walley and Aunty Yvonne Winmar.

The Elders Governance Group oversees key aspects of our research projects. Through regular meetings and collaborative decision-making, this group plays a pivotal role in shaping the present and future research.

elders governance

Our Indigenous Data Governance Group.

The Indigenous Date Governance Group (IDGG) provides guidance to researchers seeking access to data administered by the Good Spirit Good Life Centre of Research Excellence. They provide feedback on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community research priorities relating to ageing well. 

Membership is made up of Elders from  around Australia and from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisation from New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland including the Torres Strait.