Defining and predicting Healthy Ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Populations, also known as HATS

Defining and predicting healthy ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Populations (HATS) project aims is to deliver a framework of healthy ageing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. This project aims to understand more about the ageing journey and what additional supports may be required to enable people age well. 

This project is working in partnership with one town and six communities in the Kimberley region of Western Australia and the Torres Strait Islands to better understand healthy ageing.  Healthy ageing is a commonly used term. However, understanding what healthy ageing looks like and how to make it a reality isn't well understood.  

Chief Investigators

Professor Leon Flicker (Principal Investigator)

Professor Dawn Bessarab

Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice

Ms Roslyn Malay

Dr Kate Smith

Professor David Atkinson

Professor Edward Strivens

Professor Briony Dow

Associate Professor Jeromey Temple

Kimberley based staff 

Ms Roslyn Malay   Senior Project Officer

Roslyn is a  proud Yurriyangem Taam Kija women from the East Kimberley. Roslyn has expert knowledge on the complex social, environment and cultural issues that both affect and influence the health and wellbeing of older Aboriginal people in the Kimberley.

Roslyn is one of a few Aboriginal Research officers working in the Kimberley and has been instrumental in improving the lives and health of older Aboriginal Australians who live in this region.

She facilitates knowledge exchange of Aboriginal culture to non-Aboriginal people and has helped increase the awareness of dementia and cognitive impairment and other age-related conditions in remote communities in the Kimberley.

Mr Laurie Yambo    Project Officer

Laurie is an experienced Aboriginal Health Worker who has worked with Aboriginal Controlled Health Organisations.  Prior to joining our team Laurie worked with the Department of Health in the Kimberley.