Research student named as finalist in 2023 Premier’s Science Awards

Published on Friday, 21 July 2023 at 10:00:00 AM

Congratulations to our Master's student Lianne Gilchrist who is a finalist in the 2023 Western Australian Premier’s awards. She has been selected as a finalist in the Aboriginal STEM Student of the Year category.  Lianne has been nominated for her research project which focuses on improving the Quality of Life of Elders. Lianne is a proud Yamatji woman, a Research Masters student and member of the Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health team at The University of Western Australia.

“Our Elders are our teachers and, knowledge keepers and they support the wellbeing of our communities. We need to protect the health and wellbeing or our Elders so they can continue to fulfil this vital role,” Lianne Gilchrist.

Lianne moved to a research career 7 years ago after practicing as an Occupational Therapist for 15 years. She is passionate about improving the lives of Elders. Lianne worked with Elders to develop a Quality of Life tool for Elders. The tool is called the Good Spirit Good Life tool. This tool is an International first quality of life tool co-developed by Elders, for Elders. The tool is currently being incorporated into Commonwealth aged care reforms for national aged care assessment.  Her project has been funded by a UWA Poche Centre for Indigenous Health grant.

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